Tuesday, August 19, 2014

PAEDOPHILIA ----------------------------ARE WE SOLVING IT OR SALVING IT?

It was with some amaze that I saw the hit on Sir Cliff's home recently! Now, I'm not taking a view on guilt or otherwise BUT I can't help feeling that this is just the next puff of confusing smoke that screens the real guilty PAEDOPHILIC individuals-corporate or otherwise-from public scrutiny! Will we ever get to the summit of the PAEDOPHILE problem in this country? Do you remember how high it went in Belgium? THE VERY TOP!!! Also, how can it possibly be possible that PAEDOPHILES are protected by THE OFFICIAL SECRETS ACT? Today's Daily Mail, page 12, has quite an interesting article on another PAEDO who was given access to children's homes to advise the Home Office on child care reforms - this individual was a co-founder of a pro-paedophilia group! REALLY, IS ANYONE IN POWER DOING ANYTHING TO END THIS FILTHY PRACTISE AND TO BRING THE REAL CULPRITS TO BOOK?

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