Sunday, May 27, 2007


NOW;today i heard a most beautiful thing on the radio and it was one of the famous utterances of our Glorious Leader: The Right Honourable; His Holiness; His Lordship; Sir tOry bLIAR(oh how I love that man- the catholic church is so lucky to be getting his faithful conversion)!ANYWAY;what he has apparently recently said (and this isn't the first time that he has said such a thing) that we should not make the mistake of PUTTING CIVIL LIBERTIES BEFORE the terror threat!So, mooooooooooooooooooooooooo to that;But, we're not surprised by this statement as he has said before that Magna Carta needs to be put aside or revised;now the basic translation of this is;Bend over boys and take it up the pipe;Well; I'm not going to do so ;Because, I AM free;that freedom was God Given;and no one CAN take it away;even if tUrdy bLIAR changes the whole legal system and makes loving freedom a crime he shall NEVER take mine! Mayam, you are right- it is time for the intelligent and normally silent majority to speak out!I have strong views on how this may be achieved and I'm going to set some of them out here;Firstly from our side we should disassociate ourselves from extremists and fascists;you may have heard that in the last few days Britain expelled a fanatic muslim cleric who preached a phylosophy of hatred- GOOD; we don't need mental retards like that; these people make others think that to be a Muslim is to hate everyone else; to kill maim and destroy others is NOT a tenet of Al-Islam;it is therefore our duty to inform people accordingly and to distance ourselves from anything that smacks of extreme hatred.For example, last summer there was a furore about the cartoons published by newspapers in Europe. The correct response to this blasphemy is not to go on the rampage and damage property and call for fatwas, the correct response is to ask people this question:Why do Muslims not depict Jewish Prophets in a similar manner?Why do muslims not make fun of Adam, Eve, Noah, Abraham and his sons, Israel and his sons, Moses, The Virgin Mary and her son Jesus?(May Allah be pleased with all those that I have mentioned) The answer to this is that a Muslim can't as he has to believe in all of those persons and respect them!Non-Muslims are however unaware of this because they are ignorant of our faith relying only on the visible behaviour of the filthy fanatics who I for one do not call Muslim anyway!The British government of course has no interest in pointing the truth out to people either; it merely states that not all muslims behave in this manner which is in fact a sneaky way of suggesting that we all think the same it's just that we don't all act badly.That is why TheNCEADRWA is so important because i do not want people to join who are incapable of being tollerant of other brothers and sisters and who put themselves in an elitist manner in a group that they insist is Correct!We have to seperate our own personal views from the picture and strive to live with one another in peace and harmony!If we cannot do this then the human race is doomed!

Friday, May 18, 2007

Exciting Major Expansion

The NCEADRWA has expanded into facebook;

check it out here;

I have decided to show solidarity with the long suffering women of Afghanistan and have subscribed to;


Check them out here;

More will follow this weekend.