Sunday, February 04, 2007


Greetings fellow members.
It has indeed been a long time since the last communication and I can only cite the (politically incorrect) Christmas season as the reason + getting back into the swing of things
in the New Year!

The main news today is that Jon Holmes of Radio4, LBC and other fame has agreed to join and I have offered him the 1st HONORARY MEMBER slot and taken this honour away from the Prince of Wales who did not have the courtesy to respond to my invitation to him and his good wife!

Jon accepted my invitation live on air on Fiday evening during his regular LBC late afternoon slot.

I'm sure that you will all be as excited as me at this development and I am hoping that Jon will leave plenty of comment at;

In other news I have to confirm that I shall not support Nik Ferrari's mayoral bid as it appears that if he did run(doubtful) it would be on the Tory ticket!(Bummer!)

I have been quite of late on the latters morning show as the subjects offered for discussion these days between 8 and 830 are of the magaziney type viz: should a terminally ill kid be allowed to have sex with a lady of the night! (Nuff said)
However, I shall continue to try to stick it to the establishment as much as possible.
I comment fairly regularly on the BBC's 'have your say' but if you check it out you will see that the censorship is of Goebbelsesque proportions-look out for comments by Brian Jonson the name I use there.

Right now that's about it, serious members will be aware that I have a number of irons in the fire not least of which is the persuit of the children in need scam.

Keep non conforming!


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