Sunday, November 05, 2006

Newsletter the FOURTH(previously advised as fifth)


The date is: 5November2006

Greetings MEMBERS, Pending Members (Stop Pending :)) and, other addressees!

I shall be talking about Guy Fawkes night in due course but first;


Membership increase continues to be slow but, from little acorns great oak trees do grow!
However, I would appreciate your help in swelling numbers and please feel free to give this email address to friends, family etc. if they express any interest in joining up:

At the moment we have 6 confirmed UK members; 2 confirmed US members and 5 confirmed ME members;
Pending members are in Wales, England, Thailand, Australia and Belgium, so come on you naughty peoples and get confirmed!

The really big news is that I continue to be prevented from contributing to the Nick Ferrari show(7am-10am UK time). I call every week-day between 8 & 8:30am.
Why is this? I don't really know!
A number of tactics have been employed to this effect;
Firstly, although I was called back by the producers/receptionists on a number of occasions and placed in the usual holding pattern, I was left there until the 8:30 news then politely told that my call couldn't be taken.
Recently though the producers/receptionists do not answer my call at all, which is possible for them to do as their regular callers are contained in a data base and their equipment identifies in-coming callers- despite calling continually from 8 to 8:30.
Now, you may be saying that they may just be busy but, having some 9 years experience in calling call-in shows like Nick's I can assure you (without going into great detail) that this is not the case. A good rule of thumb is that when one calls a call-in show and if one gets through then, one's call will be answered- whether they allow one to comment or not or call one back, that is another matter!
In my experience this rule applies to all the radio shows I have ever called on a variety of channels viz:
Radio1; Radio4; Talk Sport; 5 Live and of course LBC. I have called and spoken to multiple hosts and at all different times of the day!
This isn't the first time that a host has not wished to take my calls; Charlie Wolf of talk Sport fame refused to take my calls during the 9/11 debacle; ostensibly because he had no answer to my various arguments- Nick seems to be falling into this category too!
For your general interest some of the things I have disagreed with Nick about include the illegal detention of the supposed airline bombers and my correct prediction that they all would eventually be released without charge- which is happening.
Now I don't support terrorists in any wise but hey, Magna Carta promises the right of Habeas Corpus and the dispensation of swift justice and all I'm saying is that to be banged up without trial for possessing a map of Afghanistan is not within that glorious documents remit!

Other matters that Nick is always promoting are the sun newspaper(sic); The X Factor as a show of laudable entertainment value(moooooooo) and, Jonathon Ross as a great entertainer too(moo)!

However, I shall not be put off and shall continue to try to contribute to his show which is my RIGHT! Nick on the other hand does not have the right to refuse calls from those he disagrees with! Not in a democracy at any rate!

If anyone is thinking, by the way, that I may have sworn on air or used language of a particularly opprobrious nature, this is emphatically not the case!

Getting back to Guy Fawkes night and bearing in mind the terror filled times that we live in now, why is it that explosives are readily available in all kinds of retail outlets and, year round too?

One of our members recently sent me this link;

it contains some compelling data and much food for thought!

Remember fellow non-conformers to please visit and contribute to;

Lastly and as always, my thanks go to Iain Lee without whom some of you would not be here,
call and thank him and call or email Nick too!

Happy non-conforming all!


Anonymous said...

Sorry to burst your bubble, the only reason you would not get on my show is if your arguments didn't hold up with the screener - they must have been pretty weak. Well, I can only assume as I wouldn't know who you are.

It may also be that you were someone who called again and again with the same point like a broken record and were not interesting radio.

For me, I would enjoy any stimulating debate... people ringing up with 9/11 conspiracy theories (not that that's what yours may have been) or the nostrums about the 'oil' etc., just didn't float my boat. If I found it boring then so would my listeners.

I hate to tell you this... there is no *right* to go on to the radio. These stations are trying to make for interesting or listenable shows (hopefully both) to get an audience and sell advertising. The right of free speech involves governments, not radio stations. We do have an obligation to give the other side a chance to express views in a debate, but again they must be good radio.

As Tommy Boyd once said to me: As soon as someone calls a radio station, they are no longer a listener but part of the show. If you don't hold your end up --being entertaining-- then you are gone.

That is the reality.

I do agree with you though on your points on J. Ross, X-Factor etc. Subjects you would not hear on my show.


thegianthogweed said...

Thank you very much commentor No.1!
Are you really Charlie Wolf(I do have my doubts)? Never mind though;
Charlie(if you are Charlie), we had many lively discussions on your show and used to swap Jewish jokes(yours were usually better than mine)! Where is Tommy Boyd by the way? I used to be "misery guts" on his Saturday night radio show: it used to jam the lines- they dumped me- oh well!
Charlie please accept this invitation to join my association-I'll give you Honourary Member No.5 status! What do you say??
Be safe in the meantime and thanks for the comment(if it is you :) )

thegianthogweed said...

I heartily welcome you itsapanda to this forum!
To answer your question- I don't know really!
It is however a desire to NOT conform to what THE MAN wants us to believe and how he anticipates we shall react!
Please read the application form; the guts of it are essentially DEAD SERIOUS!
(are you related to sexual harrasment panda? :) )