I made some remarks in a previous newsletter regarding some ideas on how our country could improve certain aspects of our daily lives and whilst those ideas certainly require further work I am impatient now to make some suggestions for a global agenda.
Am I alone in thinking that our societies are more and more turning into totally exploitive ones? Evidence the recent premium rate number scams.
Even Blue "Cheater" is at it.
I am therefore calling for a complete ban on premium rate number scams whether these originate on television, the radio or, newspapers.
Moving on now to another subject that is being crammed up our rectums as far as possible;
Man Made Global Warming.
It's nature mate, end of story!
Is it not peculiar that in order to prevent this from happening WE have to pay for it?
Why doesn't big business pay for it?
Is it not big business that is tearing up the rain forrests?
Has anyone seen the pollution in mainland China caused by industry there?
Also, in many other S.W. Asian countries pollution caused by industry and forrest burning is disgraceful.
This is not to say that stopping, or at least curbing these things, would solve the global warming issue that, as already mentioned is NATURE!
In an explosive documentary on Channel4 recently, many emminent scientists poo pooed the current global warming "science" as "poorish" at best!
It is the activity of our sun that drives earth's climate; notably sun-spot activity-so there!
Moving on to Africa, would anyone agree with me that the peoples of that continent probably did not suffer from disease, malnutrition, drought or starvation 2-3 hundred years ago?
Would anyone agree with me that the disastrous visitation to that continent of the white man is solely responsible for the continents vast current problems?
I am an avid viewer of wild life and other natural history type documentaries and I am particularly interested in programmes that focus upon the environments in e.g. the Amazon, African Congo etc. and one of the things that comes out of watching such programmes is that there IS a LOAD of fresh water around i.e. the problem is not availability merely distribution therefore, DISTRIBUTE IT!
We don't shirk at distributing oil and gas around the planet via pipeline so, why not water too?
More in due course as ideas come and germinate.