Saturday, March 24, 2007

A couple of emails sent to Fix News(sic)

I am responding to the Fox & Friends statement this morning that the twin towers were definately a result of terrorist action and in this respect have a few questions:A)If the fuel fire was hot enough to melt the steel and bring down the towers why did a passport purporting to belong to one of the terrorists survive the blaze? B) What happened to the black boxes?Come clean now why dontcha???

As regards the current arrest of tresspassing british military personnel in I-ranian waters should you not state that they were arrested in british defined I-raqi waters? Would this not be more accurate reporting in respect of which I know you to be very proud?


Those of you who are avid readers of this blog and my infrequent newsletters will be aware of the issues that I have had with that "talk" radio station during the last seven months or so.
What I am going to do in this article is to expose their new positioning away from public driven "chat" and into, amongst other things, A) less or non-public involvement in discussing issues and B) the 'exploitation market' which will both be discussed in some more detail below.
Firstly, it is reasonable to provide some background data to show that these views are not based upon mere whim but rather upon significant experience gained over nearly 10 years of calling talk radio stations.;
Stations that I have called over the past 10 years are listed below. A frequency rating of 1-10 is given with 10 being high;
Talk Sport-5/6
Radio Five Live-5/6
I began calling talk radio stations when I was a mini-cab driver and got bored listening to the same music over and over. The best radio station at that time was XFM, but shortly after this time Crapitol Radio bought them and destroyed it utterly!

My first call was to LBC, the Fred Housego(?) show! It was terrifying!

However, I got into the swing of it and talked nightly to; Clive Bull, Nick Abbot, James Whale, Ian Collins, Charlie Woolf and a host of others.

What I learned from my experiences was that it was very hard to make a point especially if it clashed with the hosts views or was opposed to, for example, a government position on a subject; take the recent hostage crisis as a case in point.

Am I the only person who thinks that we are continually inundated with misinformation and disinformation; propaganda in other words?

Why do we allow the government to lie to us about transport, health, education, Dr Kelly, WMD's, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan?

Why don't WE have a TGV? If we can't do it (which we've proven we can't) then why don't we buy the ruddy thing of them or, better still get them to do it? If dealing with the French doesn't appeal to us (though why we should hate the French so much I don't really know considering that so many 'English' kings were in fact French) then there's always the Japanese, the Germans or the good old USofA; all of whom have sophisticated rail networks!

I'm going to conclude now with a final thought; the age of open, objective talk radio as a genre where the general public can get involved in discussion on subjects that matter to us, has DIED!

And if one is a regular listener to such talk shows then one must be aware how they have obviously dumbed down, increased advertising to 8 shots per hour, news(?) every 15 minutes and entered into the 'game' calls scam including a Bingo game on LBC's Nick Ferrari show which is so ludicrous as to be pathetic in the extreme!

Farewell for now and remember that Magna Carta guarantees our freedom and although tOry bLiar would like to scrap it he, or anyone else, shall never take our freedom away as it is God given; our Law believes in God and is clearly stated in every courtroom in this country;


Isn't freedom just wonderful?

Saturday, March 17, 2007

THE NCEADRWA-Global Manifesto-March 2007

I made some remarks in a previous newsletter regarding some ideas on how our country could improve certain aspects of our daily lives and whilst those ideas certainly require further work I am impatient now to make some suggestions for a global agenda.
Am I alone in thinking that our societies are more and more turning into totally exploitive ones? Evidence the recent premium rate number scams.
Even Blue "Cheater" is at it.
I am therefore calling for a complete ban on premium rate number scams whether these originate on television, the radio or, newspapers.
Moving on now to another subject that is being crammed up our rectums as far as possible;
Man Made Global Warming.
It's nature mate, end of story!
Is it not peculiar that in order to prevent this from happening WE have to pay for it?
Why doesn't big business pay for it?
Is it not big business that is tearing up the rain forrests?
Has anyone seen the pollution in mainland China caused by industry there?
Also, in many other S.W. Asian countries pollution caused by industry and forrest burning is disgraceful.
This is not to say that stopping, or at least curbing these things, would solve the global warming issue that, as already mentioned is NATURE!
In an explosive documentary on Channel4 recently, many emminent scientists poo pooed the current global warming "science" as "poorish" at best!
It is the activity of our sun that drives earth's climate; notably sun-spot activity-so there!
Moving on to Africa, would anyone agree with me that the peoples of that continent probably did not suffer from disease, malnutrition, drought or starvation 2-3 hundred years ago?
Would anyone agree with me that the disastrous visitation to that continent of the white man is solely responsible for the continents vast current problems?
I am an avid viewer of wild life and other natural history type documentaries and I am particularly interested in programmes that focus upon the environments in e.g. the Amazon, African Congo etc. and one of the things that comes out of watching such programmes is that there IS a LOAD of fresh water around i.e. the problem is not availability merely distribution therefore, DISTRIBUTE IT!
We don't shirk at distributing oil and gas around the planet via pipeline so, why not water too?
More in due course as ideas come and germinate.

Invisible Nipple Tweeking

I wish to explore the phenomenon of invisible nipple tweaking.
I was first made aware of this whilst watching women's' football.
Now in the mans' game we are used to seeing the men tug and pull at each others clothing. This goes by the name of 'marking'.
When marking an opponent one should grab a large handful of his shirt/shorts and hold on tight to prevent his ease of movement. The crime goes largely unpunished by referees but does give rise to some gloriously exaggerated diving and falling and writhing on the ground by victims who themselves have probably had a large handful of their opponents clothing in their grasp. This I submit is rather girly behaviour.
Now turning to the women I, as must seem obvious, watch women's' football from time to time and I have always been impressed by how the women tend to play the game within the rules. Fouls in women's' football do occur of course but, less so than in the men's' game.
However, what women do do to their opponents at free kicks, corners etc. is, whilst marking an opponent, to violently tug on their opponents nipples. This is evidenced not by obvious tugging movements on the part of the perpetrator but by the subliminal blank expressionless faces. The tugger is of course also being tugged as well.
How is this achieved? By thought transfer of course. Women are much accomplished at this and I would suggest that the thought processes are similar as when two women meet and exchange greetings and pleasantries like, "what a lovely dress you're wearing" or, "that's a lovely perfume you have on". These expressions can be loosely translated as; "dressed like a slapper I see" and, "the douche ain't working babe".
If anyone wishes to throw further light on this intriguing feminine talent, then please leave an appropriate comment.